
Thank you for your replies.
Yes, it is only a single node with 64 cores.
The input file is copied from nfs to a tmpfs when I start the node.
The mpirun command lines were:
$  mpirun -np 64 --mca btl vader,self pms.out /run/user/10002/bigarray.in > 
pms-vader-64.log 2>&1
$ mpirun -np 32 --mca btl vader,self pms.out /run/user/10002/bigarray.in > 
pms-vader-32.log 2>&1
$  mpirun -np 32 --mca btl tcp,self pms.out /run/user/10002/bigarray.in > 
pms-tcp-32.log 2>&1
$  mpirun -np 64 --mca btl tcp,self pms.out /run/user/10002/bigarray.in > 
pms-tcp-64.log 2>&1
$  mpirun -np 32 --mca btl vader,self mpijr.out /run/user/10002/bigarray.in > 
mpijr-vader-32.log 2>&1
$  mpirun -np 64 --mca btl vader,self mpijr.out /run/user/10002/bigarray.in > 
mpijr-vader-64.log 2>&1

I added mpi_just_read_barrier.c: 
Unfortunately, despite running mpi_just_read_barrier with 32 cores and 
--bind-to core set, I was not unable to run it with 64 cores for the following 
A request was made to bind to that would result in binding more
processes than cpus on a resource:

   Bind to:     CORE
   Node:        compute-0
   #processes:  2
   #cpus:       1

You can override this protection by adding the "overload-allowed"
option to your binding directive.

I will solve this and get back to you soon.

Best regards,
Ali Cherry.

On Mar 6, 2020, at 3:24 PM, Gilles Gouaillardet via users 
<users@lists.open-mpi.org<mailto:users@lists.open-mpi.org>> wrote:

 Also, in mpi_just_read.c, what if you add


right before invoking


can you observe a similar performance degradation when moving from 32 to 64 
tasks ?



----- Original Message -----


The log filenames suggests you are always running on a single node, is that 
correct ?

Do you create the input file on the tmpfs once for all? before each run?

Can you please post your mpirun command lines?

If you did not bind the tasks, can you try again

mpirun --bind-to core ...



----- Original Message -----


We faced an issue when testing the scalability of parallel merge sort using 
reduction tree on an array of size 1024^3.
Currently, only the master opens the input file and parse it into an array 
using fscanf and then distribute the array to other processors.
When using 32 processors, it took ~109 seconds to read from file.
When using 64 processors, it took ~216 seconds to read from file.
Despite varying number of processors, only one processor (the master) read the 
The input file is stored in a tmpfs, its made up of 1024^3 + 1 numbers (where 
the first number is the array size).

Additionally, I ran a C program that only read the file, it took ~104 seconds.
However, I also ran an MPI program that only read the file, it took ~116 and  
~118 seconds on 32 and 64 processors respectively.

Code at  https://gist.github.com/alichry/84a9721bac741ffdf891e70b82274aaf

Clearly, increasing number of processors on mpi_just_read.c did not severely 
affect the elapsed time.
For parallel_ms.c, is it possible that 63 processors are in a blocking-read 
state from processor 0 somehow affecting the read from file elapsed time?

Any assistance or clarification would be appreciated.

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