How can I run OpenMPI's Memchecker on a process created by MPI_Comm_spawn()?   
I've configured OpenMPI 4.0.3 for Memchecker, along with Valgrind 3.15.0 and it 
works quite well on processes created directly by mpiexec.

I tried to do something analogous by pre-pending "valgrind" onto the command 
passed to MPI_Comm_spawn(), but the process is not launched and it returns no 
error code.

char *argv[n];
MPI_Info info;
MPI_Comm comm;
int error_code[1];

MPI_Comm_spawn ("valgrind   myApp",  argv,  1,  info,  0,  MPI_COMM_SELF,  
&comm,  error_code);

I didn't change the array of myApp arguments argv after adding "valgrind" to 
the command;   maybe it needs to be adjusted somehow.


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