Hello all.

I have a problem on a server: launching a job with mpirun fails if I
request all 32 CPUs (threads, since HT is enabled) but succeeds if I
only request 30.

The test code is really minimal:
#include "mpi.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define  MASTER         0

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  int   numtasks, taskid, len;
  char hostname[MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME];
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
//  int provided=0;
//  MPI_Init_thread(&argc, &argv, MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE, &provided);
//printf("MPI provided threads: %d\n", provided);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numtasks);

  if (taskid == MASTER)
    printf("This is an MPI parallel code for Hello World with no

  MPI_Get_processor_name(hostname, &len);

  printf ("Hello from task %d on %s!\n", taskid, hostname);

  if (taskid == MASTER)
    printf("MASTER: Number of MPI tasks is: %d\n",numtasks);


  printf("END OF CODE from task %d\n", taskid);
(the commented section is a leftover of one of the tests).

The error is :
[str957-bl0-03:19637] *** Process received signal ***
[str957-bl0-03:19637] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[str957-bl0-03:19637] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[str957-bl0-03:19637] Failing at address: 0x7ffff7fac008
[str957-bl0-03:19637] [ 0]
[str957-bl0-03:19637] [ 1]
[str957-bl0-03:19637] [ 2]
[str957-bl0-03:19637] [ 3]
[str957-bl0-03:19637] [ 4]
[str957-bl0-03:19637] [ 5]
[str957-bl0-03:19637] [ 6]
[str957-bl0-03:19637] [ 7]
[str957-bl0-03:19637] [ 8]
[str957-bl0-03:19637] [ 9]
[str957-bl0-03:19637] [10]
[str957-bl0-03:19637] [11]
[str957-bl0-03:19637] [12] ./mpitest-debug(+0x11c6)[0x5555555551c6]
[str957-bl0-03:19637] [13]
[str957-bl0-03:19637] [14] ./mpitest-debug(+0x10da)[0x5555555550da]
[str957-bl0-03:19637] *** End of error message ***

I'm using Debian stable packages. On other servers there is no problem
(but there was in the past, and it got "solved" by just installing gdb).

Any hints?


Diego Zuccato
DIFA - Dip. di Fisica e Astronomia
Servizi Informatici
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
V.le Berti-Pichat 6/2 - 40127 Bologna - Italy
tel.: +39 051 20 95786

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