On 18/12/2020 23:04, Josh Hursey wrote:

Thanks for the details on the bug. Indeed this is a case that seems to have been a problem for a little while now when you use static ports with ORTE (-mca oob_tcp_static_ipv4_ports option). It must have crept in when we refactored the internal regular expression mechanism for the v4 branches (and now that I look maybe as far back as v3.1). I just hit this same issue in the past day or so working with a different user.

Though I do not have a suggestion for a workaround at this time (sorry) I did file a GitHub Issue and am looking at this issue. With the holiday I don't know when I will have a fix, but you can watch the ticket for updates.

In the meantime, you could try the v3.0 series release (which predates this change) or the current Open MPI master branch (which approaches this a little differently). The same command line should work in both. Both can be downloaded from the links below:
Hello Josh

Thank you for considering the problem. I will certainly keep watching the ticket. However, there is nothing really urgent (to me anyway).

Regarding your command line, it looks pretty good:
  orterun --launch-agent /home/boubliki/openmpi/bin/orted -mca btl tcp --mca btl_tcp_port_min_v4 6706 --mca btl_tcp_port_range_v4 10 --mca oob_tcp_static_ipv4_ports 6705 -host node2:1 -np 1 /path/to/some/program arg1 .. argn

I would suggest, while you are debugging this, that you use a program like /bin/hostname instead of a real MPI program. If /bin/hostname launches properly then move on to an MPI program. That will assure you that the runtime wired up correctly (oob/tcp), and then we can focus on the MPI side of the communication (btl/tcp). You will want to change "-mca btl tcp" to at least "-mca btl tcp,self" (or better "-mca btl tcp,vader,self" if you want shared memory). 'self' is the loopback interface in Open MPI.
Yes. This is actually what I did. I just wanted to be generic and report the problem without too much flourish. But it is important you reminded this for new users, helping them to understand the real purpose of each layer in an MPI implementation.

Is there a reason that you are specifying the --launch-agent to the orted? Is it installed in a different path on the remote nodes? If Open MPI is installed in the same location on all nodes then you shouldn't need that.
I recompiled the sources, activating --enable-orterun-prefix-by-default when running ./configure. Of course, it helps :)

Again, thank you.

Kind regards



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