It took some time but my colleague was able to build OpenMPI and get it
working with OmniPath, however the performance is quite disappointing.
The configuration line used was the following: ./configure
--prefix=$INSTALL_PATH  --build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
 --host=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --enable-shared --with-hwloc=$EBROOTHWLOC
--with-psm2 --with-ofi=$EBROOTLIBFABRIC --with-libevent=$EBROOTLIBEVENT
--without-orte --disable-oshmem --with-gpfs --with-slurm
--with-pmix=external --with-libevent=external --with-ompi-pmix-rte

/usr/bin/srun --cpu-bind=none --mpi=pspmix --ntasks-per-node 1 -n 2 xenv -L
Architecture/KNL -L GCC -L OpenMPI env OMPI_MCA_btl_base_verbose="99"
OMPI_MCA_mtl_base_verbose="99" numactl --physcpubind=1 ./osu_bw
[node:18318] select: init of component ofi returned success
[node:18318] mca: base: components_register: registering framework mtl
[node:18318] mca: base: components_register: found loaded component ofi

[node:18318] mca: base: components_register: component ofi register
function successful
[node:18318] mca: base: components_open: opening mtl components

[node:18318] mca: base: components_open: found loaded component ofi

[node:18318] mca: base: components_open: component ofi open function
[node:18318] mca:base:select: Auto-selecting mtl components
[node:18318] mca:base:select:(  mtl) Querying component [ofi]

[node:18318] mca:base:select:(  mtl) Query of component [ofi] set priority
to 25
[node:18318] mca:base:select:(  mtl) Selected component [ofi]

[node:18318] select: initializing mtl component ofi
[node:18318] mtl_ofi_component.c:378: mtl:ofi:provider: hfi1_0
# OSU MPI Bandwidth Test v5.7
# Size      Bandwidth (MB/s)
1                       0.05
2                       0.10
4                       0.20
8                       0.41
16                      0.77
32                      1.54
64                      3.10
128                     6.09
256                    12.39
512                    24.23
1024                   46.85
2048                   87.99
4096                  100.72
8192                  139.91
16384                 173.67
32768                 197.82
65536                 210.15
131072                215.76
262144                214.39
524288                219.23
1048576               223.53
2097152               226.93
4194304               227.62

If I test directly with `ib_write_bw` I get
#bytes     #iterations    BW peak[MB/sec]    BW average[MB/sec]
Conflicting CPU frequency values detected: 1498.727000 != 1559.017000. CPU
Frequency is not max.
 65536      5000             2421.04            2064.33            0.033029

I also tried adding `OMPI_MCA_mtl="psm2"` however the job crashes in that
Error obtaining unique transport key from ORTE
(orte_precondition_transports not present in

the environment).
Which is a bit puzzling considering that OpenMPI was build with

What am I missing and how can I improve the performance?

Regards, Pavel Mezentsev.

On Mon, May 10, 2021 at 6:20 PM Heinz, Michael William <> wrote:

> *That warning is an annoying bit of cruft from the openib / verbs provider
> that can be ignored. (Actually, I recommend using “—btl ^openib” to
> suppress the warning.)*
> *That said, there is a known issue with selecting PSM2 and OMPI 4.1.0. I’m
> not sure that that’s the problem you’re hitting, though, because you really
> haven’t provided a lot of information.*
> *I would suggest trying the following to see what happens:*
> *${PATH_TO_OMPI}/mpirun -mca mtl psm2 -mca btl ^openib -mca
> mtl_base_verbose 99 -mca btl_base_verbose 99 -n ${N} -H ${HOSTS}
> my_application*
> *This should give you detailed information on what transports were
> selected and what happened next.*
> *Oh – and make sure your fabric is up with an opainfo or opareport
> command, just to make sure.*
> *From:* users <> *On Behalf Of *Pavel
> Mezentsev via users
> *Sent:* Monday, May 10, 2021 8:41 AM
> *To:*
> *Cc:* Pavel Mezentsev <>
> *Subject:* [OMPI users] unable to launch a job on a system with OmniPath
> Hi!
> I'm working on a system with KNL and OmniPath and I'm trying to launch a
> job but it fails. Could someone please advise what parameters I need to add
> to make it work properly? At first I need to make it work within one node,
> however later I need to use multiple nodes and eventually I may need to
> switch to TCP to run a hybrid job where some nodes are connected via
> Infiniband and some nodes are connected via OmniPath.
> So far without any extra parameters I get:
> ```
> By default, for Open MPI 4.0 and later, infiniband ports on a device
> are not used by default.  The intent is to use UCX for these devices.
> You can override this policy by setting the btl_openib_allow_ib MCA
> parameter
> to true.
>   Local host:              XXXXXX
>   Local adapter:           hfi1_0
>   Local port:              1
> ```
> If I add `OMPI_MCA_btl_openib_allow_ib="true"` then I get:
> ```
> Error obtaining unique transport key from ORTE
> (orte_precondition_transports not present in
> the environment).
>   Local host: XXXXXX
> ```
> Then I tried adding OMPI_MCA_mtl="psm2" or OMPI_MCA_mtl="ofi" to make it
> use omnipath or OMPI_MCA_btl="sm,self" to make it use only shared memory.
> But these parameters did not make any difference.
> There does not seem to be much omni-path related documentation, at least I
> was not able to find anything that would help me but perhaps I missed
> something:
> <>
> <>
> This is the `configure` line:
> ```
> ./configure --prefix=XXXXX --build=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
>  --host=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --enable-shared --with-hwloc=$EBROOTHWLOC
> --with-psm2 --with-libevent=$EBROOTLIBEVENT --without-orte --disable-oshmem
> --with-cuda=$EBROOTCUDA --with-gpfs --with-slurm --with-pmix=external
> --with-libevent=external --with-ompi-pmix-rte
> ```
> Which also raises another question: if it was built with `--without-orte`
> then why do I get an error about failing to get something from ORTE.
> The OpenMPI version is `4.1.0rc1` built with `gcc-9.3.0`.
> Thank you in advance!
> Regards, Pavel Mezentsev.

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