
generally speaking, ompio should be able to operate correctly on all file 
systems that have support for POSIX functions.  The generic ufs component is 
for example being used on  BeeGFS parallel file systems without problems, we 
are using that on a daily basis. For GPFS, the only reason we handle that file 
system separately is because of some custom info objects that can be used to 
configure the file during file_open. If one would not use these info objects 
the generic ufs component would be as good as the GPFS specific component.  

Note, the generic ufs component is also being used for NFS, it has logic built 
in to recognize an NFS file system and handle some operations slightly 
differently (but still relying on POSIX functions). The one big exception is 
Lustre: due its different file locking strategy we are required to use a 
different collective I/O component (dynamic_gen2 vs. vulcan). Generic ufs would 
work on Lustre, too, but it would be horribly slow.

I cannot comment on CephFS and pNFS since I do not have access to those file 
systems, it would come down to test them.


-----Original Message-----
From: users <> On Behalf Of Eric Chamberland 
via users
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2021 9:28 AM
To: Open MPI Users <>
Cc: Eric Chamberland <>; Vivien Clauzon 
Subject: [OMPI users] Status of pNFS, CephFS and MPI I/O


I am looking around for information about parallel filesystems supported for 

Clearly, GFPS, Lustre are fully supported, but what about others?

- CephFS

- pNFS

- Other?

when I "grep" for "pnfs\|cephfs" into ompi source code, I found nothing...

Otherwise I found this into ompi/mca/common/ompio/common_ompio.h :

enum ompio_fs_type
     NONE = 0,
     UFS = 1,
     PVFS2 = 2,
     LUSTRE = 3,
     PLFS = 4,
     IME = 5,
     GPFS = 6

Does that mean that other fs types (pNFS, CephFS) does not need special 
treatment or are not supported or not optimally supported?



Eric Chamberland, ing., M. Ing
Professionnel de recherche
GIREF/Université Laval
(418) 656-2131 poste 41 22 42

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