I would assume, that the buffering mode is compiler/runtime specific. At least for Intel compiler, the default seems to be/have been unbuffered for stdout, but there is a flag for buffered output:


In the worst case, each character might be written individually. If the scrambling only happens from time to time, I guess you really just see the buffer flush when the buffer filled up.

- Joachim

Am 06.12.21 um 16:42 schrieb Fisher (US), Mark S:
All strings are writing as one output so that is not the issue. Adding in some 
flushing is a good idea and we can try that. We do not open stdout just write 
to unit 6, but we could open it if there is some un-buffered option that could 
help. I will look into that also.  Thanks!

-----Original Message-----
From: Joachim Protze <pro...@itc.rwth-aachen.de>
Sent: Monday, December 6, 2021 9:24 AM
To: Open MPI Users <users@lists.open-mpi.org>
Cc: Fisher (US), Mark S <mark.s.fis...@boeing.com>
Subject: Re: [OMPI users] stdout scrambled in file

Hi Mark,

"[...] MPI makes neither requirements nor recommendations for the output
[...]" (MPI4.0, §2.9.1)

  From my experience, an application can avoid such scrambling (still no
guarantee), if the output of lines is written atomically. C++ streams
are worst for concurrent output, as every stream operator writes a
chunk. It can help to collect output into a stringstream and print out
at once. Using printf in C is typically least problematic. Flushing the
buffer (fflush) helpts to avoid that the output buffer fills up and is
flushed in the middle of printing.

I'm not the Fortran expert. But, I think there are some options to
change to a buffered output mode (at least I found such options for file
I/O). Again, the goal should be that a write statement is printed at
once and the buffer doesn't fill up while printing.

In any case, it could help to write warnings to stderr and separate the
stdout and stderr streams.


Am 02.12.21 um 16:48 schrieb Fisher (US), Mark S via users:
We are using Mellanox HPC-X MPI based on OpenMPI 4.1.1RC1 and having
issues with lines scrambling together occasionally. This causes issues
our convergence checking code since we put convergence data there. We
are not using any mpirun options for stdout we just redirect
stdout/stderr to a file before we run the mpirun command so all output
goes there. We had similar issue with Intel MPI in the past and used the
-ordered-output to fix it but I do not see any similar option for
OpenMPI. See example below. Is there anyway to ensure a line from a
process gets one line in the output file?

*The data in red below is scrambled up and should look like the
cleaned-up version. You can see it put a line from a different process
inside a line from another processes and the rest of the line ended up a
couple of lines down.*

ZONE   0 : Min/Max CFL= 5.000E-01 1.500E+01 Min/Max DT= 8.411E-10
1.004E-01 sec

*IGSTAB* 1626 7.392E-02 2.470E-01 -9.075E-04 8.607E-03 -5.911E-04
-4.945E-06  aerosurfs

*IGMNTAERO* 1626 -6.120E-04 1.406E-02 6.395E-04 4.473E-08 3.112E-04
-2.785E-05  aerosurfs

*IGSTAB* 1626 7.392E-02 2.470E-01 -9.075E-04 8.607E-03 -5.911E-04
-4.945E-06  Aircraft-Total

*IGMNTAERO* 1626 -6.120E-04 1.406E-02 6.395E-04 4.473E-08 3.112E-04
-2.785E-05 Aircr Warning: BCFD: US_UPDATEQ: izon, iter, nBadpmin:  699
1625     12

Warning: BCFD: US_UPDATEQ: izon, iter, nBadpmin:  111  1626      6


*IGSTAB* 1626 6.623E-02 2.137E-01 -9.063E-04 8.450E-03 -5.485E-04
-4.961E-06  Aircraft-OML

*IGMNTAERO* 1626 -6.118E-04 -1.602E-02 6.404E-04 5.756E-08 3.341E-04
-2.791E-05  Aircraft-OML

*Cleaned up version:*

ZONE   0 : Min/Max CFL= 5.000E-01 1.500E+01 Min/Max DT= 8.411E-10
1.004E-01 sec

*IGSTAB* 1626 7.392E-02 2.470E-01 -9.075E-04 8.607E-03 -5.911E-04
-4.945E-06  aerosurfs

*IGMNTAERO* 1626 -6.120E-04 1.406E-02 6.395E-04 4.473E-08 3.112E-04
-2.785E-05  aerosurfs

*IGSTAB* 1626 7.392E-02 2.470E-01 -9.075E-04 8.607E-03 -5.911E-04
-4.945E-06  Aircraft-Total

*IGMNTAERO* 1626 -6.120E-04 1.406E-02 6.395E-04 4.473E-08 3.112E-04
-2.785E-05 Aircraft-Total

   Warning: BCFD: US_UPDATEQ: izon, iter, nBadpmin:  699  1625     12

Warning: BCFD: US_UPDATEQ: izon, iter, nBadpmin:  111  1626      6

*IGSTAB* 1626 6.623E-02 2.137E-01 -9.063E-04 8.450E-03 -5.485E-04
-4.961E-06  Aircraft-OML

*IGMNTAERO* 1626 -6.118E-04 -1.602E-02 6.404E-04 5.756E-08 3.341E-04
-2.791E-05  Aircraft-OML


Dr. rer. nat. Joachim Protze

IT Center
Group: High Performance Computing
Division: Computational Science and Engineering
RWTH Aachen University
Seffenter Weg 23
D 52074  Aachen (Germany)
Tel: +49 241 80- 24765
Fax: +49 241 80-624765

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