I'll disagree a bit there. You do want to use an MPI library in your container 
that is configued to perform on the host cluster. However, that doesn't mean 
you are constrained as Gilles describes. It takes a little more setup 
knowledge, true, but there are lots of instructions and knowledgeable people 
out there to help. Experiments have shown that using non-system MPIs provide at 
least equivalent performance to the native MPIs when configured. Matching the 
internal/external MPI implementations may simplify the mechanics of setting it 
up, but it is definitely not required.

On Jan 26, 2022, at 8:55 PM, Gilles Gouaillardet via users 
<users@lists.open-mpi.org <mailto:users@lists.open-mpi.org> > wrote:



Keep in mind that when running a container on a supercomputer, it is generally 
recommended to use the supercomputer MPI implementation
(fine tuned and with support for the high speed interconnect) instead of the 
one of the container (generally a vanilla MPI with basic
support for TCP and shared memory).
That scenario implies several additional constraints, and one of them is the 
MPI library of the host and the container are (oversimplified) ABI compatible.

In your case, you would have to rebuild your container with MPICH (instead of 
Open MPI) so it can be "substituted" at run time with Intel MPI (MPICH based 
and ABI compatible).



On Thu, Jan 27, 2022 at 1:07 PM Brian Dobbins via users 
<users@lists.open-mpi.org <mailto:users@lists.open-mpi.org> > wrote:

Hi Ralph,

  Thanks for the explanation - in hindsight, that makes perfect sense, since 
each process is operating inside the container and will of course load up 
identical libraries, so data types/sizes can't be inconsistent.  I don't know 
why I didn't realize that before.  I imagine the past issues I'd experienced 
were just due to the PMI differences in the different MPI implementations at 
the time.  I owe you a beer or something at the next in-person SC conference!

  - Brian

On Wed, Jan 26, 2022 at 4:54 PM Ralph Castain via users 
<users@lists.open-mpi.org <mailto:users@lists.open-mpi.org> > wrote:
There is indeed an ABI difference. However, the _launcher_ doesn't have 
anything to do with the MPI library. All that is needed is a launcher that can 
provide the key exchange required to wireup the MPI processes. At this point, 
both MPICH and OMPI have PMIx support, so you can use the same launcher for 
both. IMPI does not, and so the IMPI launcher will only support PMI-1 or PMI-2 
(I forget which one).

You can, however, work around that problem. For example, if the host system is 
using Slurm, then you could "srun" the containers and let Slurm perform the 
wireup. Again, you'd have to ensure that OMPI was built to support whatever 
wireup protocol the Slurm installation supported (which might well be PMIx 
today). Also works on Cray/ALPS. Completely bypasses the IMPI issue.

Another option I've seen used is to have the host system start the containers 
(using ssh or whatever), providing the containers with access to a "hostfile" 
identifying the TCP address of each container. It is then easy for OMPI's 
mpirun to launch the job across the containers. I use this every day on my 
machine (using Docker Desktop with Docker containers, but the container tech is 
irrelevant here) to test OMPI. Pretty easy to set that up, and I should think 
the sys admins could do so for their users.

Finally, you could always install the PMIx Reference RTE (PRRTE) on the cluster 
as that executes at user level, and then use PRRTE to launch your OMPI 
containers. OMPI runs very well under PRRTE - in fact, PRRTE is the RTE 
embedded in OMPI starting with the v5.0 release.

Regardless of your choice of method, the presence of IMPI doesn't preclude 
using OMPI containers so long as the OMPI library is fully contained in that 
container. Choice of launch method just depends on how your system is setup.


On Jan 26, 2022, at 3:17 PM, Brian Dobbins <bdobb...@gmail.com 
<mailto:bdobb...@gmail.com> > wrote:

Hi Ralph,

Afraid I don't understand. If your image has the OMPI libraries installed in 
it, what difference does it make what is on your host? You'll never see the 
IMPI installation.

We have been supporting people running that way since Singularity was 
originally released, without any problems. The only time you can hit an issue 
is if you try to mount the MPI libraries from the host (i.e., violate the 
container boundary) - so don't do that and you should be fine.

  Can you clarify what you mean here?  I thought there was an ABI difference 
between the various MPICH-based MPIs and OpenMPI, meaning you can't use a 
host's Intel MPI to launch a container's OpenMPI-compiled program.  You can use 
the internal-to-the-container OpenMPI to launch everything, which is easy for 
single-node runs but more challenging for multi-node ones.  Maybe my 
understanding is wrong or out of date though?

  - Brian


On Jan 26, 2022, at 12:19 PM, Luis Alfredo Pires Barbosa 
<luis_pire...@hotmail.com <mailto:luis_pire...@hotmail.com> > wrote:

Hi Ralph,
 My singularity image has OpenMPI, but my host doesnt (Intel MPI). And I am not 
sure if I the system would work with Intel + OpenMPI.
 Enviado do Email <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986>  para Windows
 De: Ralph Castain via users <mailto:users@lists.open-mpi.org> 
Enviado:quarta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2022 16:01
Para: Open MPI Users <mailto:users@lists.open-mpi.org> 
Cc:Ralph Castain <mailto:r...@open-mpi.org> 
Assunto: Re: [OMPI users] OpenMPI - Intel MPI
 Err...the whole point of a container is to put all the library dependencies 
_inside_ it. So why don't you just install OMPI in your singularity image?

On Jan 26, 2022, at 6:42 AM, Luis Alfredo Pires Barbosa via users 
<users@lists.open-mpi.org <mailto:users@lists.open-mpi.org> > wrote:
 Hello all,
 I have Intel MPI in my cluster but I am running singularity image of a 
software which uses OpenMPI.
 Since they may not be compatible and I dont think it is possible to get these 
two different MPI running in the system.
I wounder if there is some work arround for this issue.
 Any insight would be welcome.

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