I fixed the issue now. It is a bug in ompi/opal/mca/btl/smcuda/btl_smcuda.c

Due to the base call the pointer descriptor is always a NULLPTR

/* try to send immediately */
rc = mca_bml_base_sendi (bml_btl, &convertor, &match, 
                         size, MCA_BTL_NO_ORDER, MCA_BTL_DES_FLAGS_PRIORITY | 
                         MCA_PML_OB1_HDR_TYPE_MATCH, NULL);

But it is then dereferenced in btl_smcuda.c

    /* allocate a fragment, giving up if we can't get one */
    /* note that frag==NULL is equivalent to rc returning an error code */
    if (OPAL_UNLIKELY(NULL == frag)) {
        *descriptor = NULL;
        return OPAL_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;

So it can be fixed by simply checking for if(descriptor)

Von: Alexander Stadik <alexander.sta...@essteyr.com>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 3. Februar 2022 17:39
An: Open MPI Users <users@lists.open-mpi.org>
Betreff: RE: cuda-aware OpenMPI - high number of small asynch sent messages 
create invalid write

It seems I misunderstood something regarding attaching files. And sorry for the 
footer I used my company Email so I get answers also when I work.

here is the valgrind output https://pastebin.com/Wwvn8Pa7
here the ompi_info –all output https://pastebin.com/FW0fazZH
here the gdb output https://pastebin.com/4fNsxUd1

From: users <users-boun...@lists.open-mpi.org> On Behalf Of Alexander Stadik 
via users
Sent: Thursday, 3 February 2022 14:06
To: users@lists.open-mpi.org
Cc: Alexander Stadik <alexander.sta...@essteyr.com>
Subject: [OMPI users] cuda-aware OpenMPI - high number of small asynch sent 
messages create invalid write

CAUTION: This email originated from outside the organization. Do not click 
links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content 
is safe.

Hello whoever reads this,

I am running my code using CUDA aware OpenMPI (see ompi_info –all attached).
First I will explain the problem, further down I will give additional info 
about versions, hardware and debugging.

The Problem:

My application solves multiple mathematical equations on GPU via CUDA. 
Multi-GPU capabilities are enabled via CUDA-aware OpenMPI, where I send many 
chunks of data from sections of one simulation domain to a simple halo buffer 
on neighbouring processes (so between the domain partitions mapped to each 
For all kind of cases there are no issues at all. The basic installation seems 
fine and there seems to be no bug, invalid memory access or a similar thing in 
the code. (Which I also verified for the problem case by hand and via debuggers)

The error I get is a SEGFAULT when calling many (below code) MPI_Isend and 
MPI_Irecv operations with a directly followed MPI_Waitall. The interesting part 
is all accessed data on the device-array is allocated and initialized (which I 
It happens randomly at different operations in the loop but always at MPI_Isend.

Additionally, I should note down that for the problem case each process handles 
per halo exchange and Waitall about 765 requests and it only happens starting 
from 6 processes (and GPUs) on which means about 4590 total requests on the 
node. It Fails at the first execution of the routine at a random part of the 
loop. The simplified code looks like this:


MPI_Request Requ[req_count];

MPI_Status Stat[req_count];



              … Redefine source, destination, tags and request numbers

//Recieve halos backward

MPI_Irecv(devPtr + recv_config.shift_right, recv_config.halo_right, MPI_FLOAT,  
src, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD_, &Requ[req1]);

// Send halo fowards

MPI_Send(devPtr + send_config.shift_right, send_config.halo_right, MPI_FLOAT, 
dst, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD_, &Requ[req2);

              … Redefine source, destination, tags and request numbers

//Recieve halos forward

MPI_Irecv(devPtr + recv_config.shift_left, recv_config.halo_left, MPI_FLOAT, 
src, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD_, &Requ[req3);

// Send halo backwards

MPI_Isend(devPtr + send_config.shift_left, send_config.halo_left, MPI_FLOAT, 
dst, tag, MPI_COMM_WORLD_, &Requ[req4]);


MPI_Waitall(req_count, Requ, Stat);


What I found until know:

Attached are outputs of valgrind, gdb and ompi_info –all (sorry for bad quality 
had to optimize the picture to fit into this mail)
It doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the request array or the allocated 
device memory, as all accesses are in range. Also in the real code I use 
wrapper over the MPI_Isend and MPI_Irecv, which means any object passed is 
either a copy or a valid pointer.

Valgrind (see attached file) identified it as an ‘invalid write of size 8’ 
while I only operate on floats and it only happens in MPI_Isend not MPI_Irecv.
>From gdb and cuda-gdb I could identify that it happens for small messages of 
>3-7 Bytes. Also, they are perfectly in range of allocated global memory.

I couldn’t find any similar issue, also I couldn’t find any documentation on 
some internal limitations and how to change them.
Simply reducing the number of requests by half, by using blocking MPI_Send 
instead of MPI_Isend, fixed the issue. But I would like to understand the 
underlying behaviour, so this is not an acceptable solution.

The problem occurs both on a CentOS cluster (-node) using OpenMPI 3.0.0 + CUDA 
11.0 with 6-8 dedicated GPUs (all GTX 1080Ti) and on a Ubuntu 20.04 machine 
with OpenMPI 4.1.0 and 4.1.2 + CUDA 11.2 and 11.4 with 2 dedicated GPUS (RTX 
2080) and overloaded GPUs.

I would be glad about any input, thanks a lot


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DI Alexander Stadik

Software Developer
R&D Large Scale Solutions


Phone:          +4372522044622
Company:     +43725220446

Mail: alexander.sta...@essteyr.com<mailto:alexander.sta...@essteyr.com>

Register of Firms No.: FN 427703 a
Commercial Court: District Court Steyr
UID: ATU69213102


ESS Engineering Software Steyr GmbH • Berggasse 35 • 4400 • Steyr • Austria


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