Thanks for the poke!  Sorry we missed replying to your github issue.  Josh 
replied to it this morning.

Jeff Squyres

From: users <> on behalf of Bernstein, Noam CIV 
USN NRL (6393) Washington DC (USA) via users <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 8:56 AM
Cc: Bernstein, Noam CIV USN NRL (6393) Washington DC (USA)
Subject: [OMPI users] mixed OpenMP/MPI

Hi - I'm trying to run multi-node mixed OpenMP/MPI with each MPI task bound to 
a set of cores.  I thought this would be relatively straightforward with  
"--map-by slot:PE=$OMP_NUM_THREADS --bind-to core", but I can't get it to work. 
 I couldn't figure out if it was a bug or just something missing from the 
documentation, so I created github issue, but that hasn't gotten any 
response.  Does anyone have an example of an mpirun command like, say for 4 16 
core nodes running 8 MPI processes with 8 threads each, each bound to 8/16 
cores on each node?
  • [OMPI use... Bernstein, Noam CIV USN NRL (6393) Washington DC (USA) via users
    • Re: ... Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) via users

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