
regarding your question on IRC:

[10:47pm] unixguy: I setup a local repository for opencsw.  I also used the 
"bldcat" utility to build a catalog and I'm serving it via http.  When 
attempting to install a package, I am getting this error: Can't use an 
undefined value as an ARRAY reference at /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil line 688.
[10:48pm] unixguy: Does anyone know why?
[10:48pm] unixguy: Here is the full output:
[10:48pm] unixguy: root@sndcspmgt01:/opt/csw/etc# pkgutil -i CSWcoreutils 
Solving needed dependencies ... Solving dependency order ... Install 10 NEW 
packages:        CSWcas-texinfo-1.42,REV=2010.11.26 (ualextra/opencsw)Can't use 
an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil line 688.
[11:21pm] unixguy: I need to scram, but if you have a solution please email me: 
 an0m...@runbox.com    thanks for your time

Take a look at the catalog and descriptions, I would assume there
has been a problem with bldcat.

Best regards

  — Dago

"You don't become great by trying to be great, you become great by wanting to 
do something,
and then doing it so hard that you become great in the process." - xkcd #896

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