Hi George,

It feels like you've administered yourself into a corner, but I think there are
ways to get out of it. I won't provide you with the whole procedure but
hopefully I'll leave enough hints so you can figure out the rest.

On Sat, Jul 01, 2017 at 10:12:54PM +0000, Wyche, George             PW via 
users wrote:
> Need advice about updating an old setup.
> This system is isolated from the internet.

We have a procedure for that:
But it doesn't apply to your setup in a straightforward way.

In your case, I would recommend making a local mirror of the catalog:

> Been content with CSW software (333 packages) since late 2012.
> Reading, I see that big reason for lots of changes was being caught just when 
> all the SO's were separated out.
> Pkgutil -C says I have 198 of 333 have changed. And 39 of the 198 are "not in 
> catalog".
> The "not in catalog" means I don't know what those CSW<pkg_name> is now 
> named. So if I want to do "pkgutil -in" I will have to guess (and be wrong).

I guess the problem is that you skipped intermediate releases. You need to
upgrade to each consecutive catalog release. They have been released in a way
that when you go from catalog N to N+1, you don't get these errors. But if you
go from catalog N to N+2, you'll get these errors.

Browse the "releases" subdirectory on the mirror to find the ordering of catalog

> Since I cannot reasonably QA all the programs using openCSW support that I 
> have, what alternatives do I have when after a few weeks post updating I find 
> a program "I MUST HAVE" doesn't work (well enough) because some library 
> change is incompatible? Throw away all the work I did updating (and giving up 
> CSWgcc4g++)? Find exactly which programs use the offending library (assuming 
> I can figure that out) and uninstall all of them so I can revert just that SO 
> library so my "MUST HAVE" can work again?

Try using Live Upgrade for that. If something goes wrong, you can go back to the
previous state.

> [[I feel like my system is unchangeable! I should pick up another 
> workstation, do the updating on it, and stuff the former workstation in the 
> closet as a backup.]]

Sounds like a good idea!


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