Dear ONE users:

I have just modified the OpenNebula Express 2.0 RC for the support of Debian 
5.0.6 lenny.
It now works on Debian_5.0.6 i386, but it meets a dependency problem on 
Debian_5.0.6 amd64. 
Because of the package: libmysqlclient16 dependency, the source.list of 
Debian_5.0.6 only provides libmysqlclient15(...).
In order to install the OpenNubula Express 2.0 successfully on Debian 5.0.6 
amd64, it's seems that adding the deb 
lenny-backports main into source.list and solve the dependency between 
mysql-common(>= 5.1.49-1~bpo50+1 vs. 5.0.51a-24+lenny4) and libmysqlclient16 
are two main issues.
Does any one have suggestions for this problem?
I am very appreciated.
For the attached file is the ONE express for Debian_5.0.6. (Two files are 
modified: ./os/ &

Best Regards
Bill Tu < Rider >
National Center for High-Performance Computing
No.22, Keyuan Rd., Central Taiwan Science Park, Taichung City 40763, Taiwan
Tel : 886-4-24620202  # 826
Fax : 886-4-24627373
E-mail :

Attachment: opennebula-express-2.0_debian_5.0.6.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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