Hi Zeeshan

Thank you very much for the summary, 1+2 are more or
less straightforward (now you can install just the cloud client tools, and
should be fairly easy to extend it to the OpenNebula cli). This should
happen in the next release.

Regarding the contextualization we will work to ease the process

Thanks again for the feedback


On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 12:30 PM, Zeeshan Ali Shah <zas...@pdc.kth.se> wrote:

> Hi , I have discussed it with several Opennebula people and have also sent
> it earlier in mailing list .. here i am aggregating all of the discussion
> and my thoughts.
> The bottleneck for Opennebula adaption in wide area is its User's
> registration/handling. such as
> 1. Currently there are no client-only package , you have to struggle
> installing either ec2 layer or occi layer above opennebula.
> 2.  In Eucalyptus case it was very straight forward as User's only need to
> download euca-tools and that's all .
> 3. Registration of users into opennebula , the generation of keys and
> injection of these keys into User's vm is really a night mare..   for
> example: for Keys injection you have to write manually in  Context section
>  .. for user registration admin has to manually enter their credential in
> oneadmin db.
> I have no doubt about the extensibility and modularity of Opennebula but
> the issues are it's customer oriented strategy.
> --
> Regards
> Zeeshan Ali Shah
> System Administrator
> PDC-Center for High Performance Computing
> KTH-Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
> +46 8 790 9115
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