Im seeing different paths here:

> FN$ ll /usr/lib/one/remotes/im/ovz.d/ovz.rb
> CN$ ll /tmp/one/im/run_probes

The "/tmp/one/im/run_probes" script on the remote host would execute the
contents of the /tmp/one/im/ovz folder.

So you have to check that the right files are there on the remote host
and that they have the right permissions.

The im files are copied to the im folder ("/tmp/one/im" in your case it
seems) in the remote host when adding a new host to OpenNebula. They are
copied from the $ONE_LOCATION/var/remotes/im on the frontend host, even
though there is a copy of them in the $ONE_LOCATION/lib/remotes/im as
well, as backup.

I think it might help if you check again that the right files are being
copied to the /tmp/one/im/ovz folder on the host you want to monitor and
that they have the right permissions etc? (./run_probes returns an empty
space when nothing to execute from the specified driver is found).

Héctor Sanjuan
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