your source file is


with img extension are you sure it is a qcow2?

Le 4/15/11 12:13 PM, Amit Soni a écrit :
> Hello,
> There is some interesting progress. I was able to connect to the vnc
> session of the machine. I found the following output:
> Booting from Hard Disk ...
> Boot failed: not a bootable disk
> No bootable device.
> Apparently, the format of the IMG file is qcow2 and I didn't mentioned
> that format in the VM template. Hence, I did the following changes in
> the VM template as mentioned in the link
> DISK   = [
>   source   = "/srv/cloud/images/ubuntu/ubuntu-1010-server-network-init.img",
>   target   = "hda",
>   readonly = "no",
>   DRIVER=qcow2
> ]
> However, now when I access the VM from the vnc session I see blank
> screen (not a single character on the screen). The VM is still in the
> "runn" state.
> Now I am really confused what could have went wrong.
> --Amit
> 2011/4/14 Amit Soni <>:
>> Hello,
>> I was trying the same thing using following parameters in the template file:
>> RAW = [ type = "kvm",
>>              data = "<devices><serial type=\"pty\"><source
>> path=\"/dev/pts/5\"/><target port=\"0\"/></serial><console type=\"pty\"
>> tty=\"/dev/pts/5\"><source path=\"/dev/pts/5\"/><target
>> port=\"0\"/></console></devices>" ]
>> However, when I accessed the machine using the virsh console I got the
>> following output after which it just froze. I hit "enter" many time
>> but no response. Although I was able to get out of the console:
>> virsh # console one-13
>> Connected to domain one-13
>> Escape character is ^]
>> I read somewhere that this can be because I have not enabled the VM to
>> be accessed from serial console so then I followed the following guide
>> to make some modification in the VM:
>> However, after making the changes when I boot the VM using the "qemu"
>> command I just  see the some output like follows:
>> fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2
>> /dev/sda1: clean ... files, ... blocks
>>  * Starting AppArmor profiles
>> And that's it. After this there is no response from the VM. However, I
>> am able to ssh into the VM (since I have started it from qemu
>> command).
>> But the important thing is, even after these changes for enabling
>> serial console in the VM and starting the VM from the opennebula with
>> the above mentioned RAW parameters, I get the same result. It get the
>> same output upon accessing the console and after that it just freezes.
>> Could see any mistake that I might be making.
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Amit
>> 2011/4/14 Idafen Santana Pérez <>:
>>> Hi Zeeshan,
>>> how do you access a running VM?
>>> Regards
>>> Idafen
>>> On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 6:13 PM, Zeeshan Ali Shah <> wrote:
>>>> Manually Console to the running VM to see what went wrong ..
>>>> /Zeeshan
>>>> On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 5:40 PM, Amit Soni <> wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I manually created a Ubuntu IMG by installing the Ubuntu 10.10 server
>>>>> ISO using qemu command as follows:
>>>>> qemu-img create -f qcow2 vdisk.img 10G
>>>>> qemu-system-x86_64 -hda vdisk.img -cdrom /path/to/ubuntu-server.iso
>>>>> -boot d  -m 384
>>>>> Then I added the network contextualisation scripts as mentioned in the
>>>>> first section of the article:
>>>>> But I did one change; I added the execution of the "vmcontext" script
>>>>> in the "/etc/init.d/networking" script since adding the "vmcontext"
>>>>> script in the runlevel 2 didn't helped.
>>>>> Now when I start the installed Ubuntu IMG using the following command,
>>>>> I get the desired IP in the machine. I am also able to SSH to the
>>>>> machine:
>>>>> qemu-system-x86_64 -hda ubuntu-server.img  -net
>>>>> nic,macaddr=02:00:c0:a8:02:08 -net tap
>>>>> However, when I use this IMG in the opennebula template file the
>>>>> machine goes in the "runn" state but I am not able to access the
>>>>> machine. My template file is as follows:
>>>>> NAME   = ubuntu
>>>>> CPU    = 1
>>>>> MEMORY = 400
>>>>> DISK   = [
>>>>>  source   = "/srv/cloud/images/ubuntu/ubuntu-server.img",
>>>>>  target   = "hda",
>>>>>  readonly = "no" ]
>>>>> NIC    = [ NETWORK = "VM_LAN" ]
>>>>> FEATURES=[ acpi="no" ]
>>>>> Moreover, when I start the standard ttylinux IMG in am easily able to
>>>>> SSH to the machine.
>>>>> Can anyone guide me to some standard documentation of how to create a
>>>>> IMG for opennebula starting from an ISO.
>>>>> Thanks & Regards,
>>>>> Amit Soni
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>>>> --
>>>> --
>>>> Regards
>>>> Zeeshan Ali Shah
>>>> System Administrator
>>>> PDC-Center for High Performance Computing
>>>> KTH-Royal Institute of Technology , Sweden
>>>> +46 8 790 9115
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>>>> Users mailing list
>> --
>> Amit Soni
>> Email-id:,

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