
That's the way it is supposed to work. When using Ganglia OpenNebula takes
advantage of its information distribution system to gather host and VM
information. In that case a gmetric probe encode the information in
XML-base64 and put it on a ganglia metric. On the other side there is an
OpenNebula driver that reads that metric, extracts the info and pushes it on
the OpenNebula data model.

Unfortunately, you can not use the Ganglia tools to process the information
(e.g. paint graphics) as it is for OpenNebula driver use.



2011/9/1 Juan Ángel Ferreiro <juanfer...@gmail.com>

> When I look at my Ganglia reports using
> http://opennebula.org/documentation:rel2.2:ganglia documentation,  i only
> see the base64 encoded string.
> I am running gmetric cron every minute.
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Dr. Ruben Santiago Montero
Associate Professor (Profesor Titular), Complutense University of Madrid

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