Hello Humberto

On 13.10.2011 11:03, Humberto N. Castejon Martinez wrote:
Reading the Opennebula documentation, I believe there are two things I have
to deal with:

1) The image repository, and whether it is shared or not between the
front-end and the workers

I have some persistent Images which are used for "persistent" VMs. I have the images folder shared with NFS and I use tm_nfs. When starting a VM with a persistent images, it creates only a soft link in VM_DIR which points to the image in the images folder. If you want to have copied the persistent image into the VM_DIR on the cluster node, you would need tm_ssh. But then on startup the whole image will be copied to the cluster node into VM_DIR and on shutdown it will be copied back to the images folder.

2) The<VM_DIR>, that contains deployment files, etc for the VMs running on
a worker. This directory may or not be shared between the front-end and the
workers, but it should always be shared between the workers if we want live
migration, right?

If you use tm_ssh you do not need to share this, if you use tm_nfs, you need to have it shared. The same with the images folder. For live migration you need a shared images folder and VM_DIR.

Some of the questions I have are these (sorry if some of them seem stupid

They are not stupid, It took me some time to try out and see through how this things works, and so I had to change my setup a few times until OpenNebula an I were happy.

- What are the implications of sharing or not the image repository  between
the front-end and the workers (apart from the need to transfer images to the
worker nodes in the latter case)?

See above.

- What are the implications of sharing or not the<VM_DIR>  between the
front-end and the workers?

Also above.

- Can I use ZFS or MooseFs and still be able to live migrate VMs?

MooseFS [1] is a fault tolerant, network distributed file system (eg. over several servers). I do not know if ZFS can do this. MooseFS is similar like NFS, only that the data are distributed over several servers (including your local server). I guess live migration should work.

 [1] http://www.moosefs.org/

- Will the<VM_DIR>  always hold a (copy of a) VM image for every VM running
on a worker? Must the<VM-DIR>  be in the local hard drive of a worker or may
it reside on an external shared storage?

See above, if used with tm_nfs, it is on a external shared storage (NFS server). When used with tm_ssh, it is on the local disk and all images (public or persistent) will be copied in full through ssh.

I guess two factors i should also consider when choosing a solution are the
following, right?

- The speed of transferring VM images
- The speed of cloning VM images

Yes. Access to a persistent image through NFS only transfers the data needed, cloning always creates a full copy. When you use tm_ssh, the image will always be copied in full through ssh (which also gives some CPU overhead on the front end and cluster node).

I hope this helps and my information are correct, if not, could somebody from OpenNebula please correct me.

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