Dear Richard,

This is not necessarily an answer to your question, but if you'll
consider taking a look at Feature #1026 that I created on the dev site.

I can understand that all reference material associated with a VM would
remain even when the VM is in the "DONE" state since technically that is
an acceptable state for the VM to exist. There could exist a scenario
where the user would like access to deployment files, logs, etc.

However, it would be nice if there was a method to clear-out all data
related to VMs. That's where Feature #1026 comes in. Currently, even
deleting a VM leaves all its files laying around.

Hutson Betts
Computer Science and Engineering
Texas A&M University

On Fri, 2011-12-16 at 00:12 +0100, richard -rw- weinberger wrote:
> Hi!
> It looks like OpenNebula keeps all used VM Ids.
> Using "onevm ID" I can see all old VMs in state "DONE".
> And in /var/lib/one/ exists for each old VM a directory.
> How can I get rid of this?
> Especially the directories in /var/lib/one/ are nasty.

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