
it could be something like

require 'OpenNebula'
include 'OpenNebula'


template = Template.new(Template.build_xml(),@client)

where template_str is the contents of the template file containing the vm definition. You can read them from file yourself.with File.read().

Hope it helps,


En Wed, 18 Jan 2012 09:53:14 +0100, Tommy Aditya Lawanto <to...@wowrack.com> escribió:

Hi All,

I read guide about adding a new template on http://opennebula.org/documentation:rel3.2:vm_guide, which need a file containing the vm definition.

However, when i get to the Ruby OCA API on http://opennebula.org/doc/3.0/oca/ruby/. I cannot find any method for creating a new template which read from file. Could someone explain to me how can i create a new template using Ruby OCA API?

Any help is much appreaciated, as i completely new to Ruby and Open Nebula.

Best Regard,


Hector Sanjuan
OpenNebula Developer
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