Hello Opennebullians,

i'm currently working on setup, where VMs are running from clvm volumes
(for maximum performance) and traditional file data like state files,
contextualisation files, etc are stored in GFS2 filesystem on top of the
same clvm.

OpenNebula management node is connected with worker nodes only with SSH,
no direct access to shared clustered lvm or gfs2 filesystem.

The reason for disconnecting it from the cluster is minimalization of the
problems with fencing the physical worker nodes, when management
node is virtual machine outside of the clvm cluster.

I call this transfer manager drive **gfs2clvm** and made it (even in
current development state - but most of the functions works
already) available on github:

if anyone is interrested, wants to contribute and help, please contact me.

  J.Horacek (jahor / jhrcz)
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