Yes, clusters are particularly easy on this environment, I work with our
analytics group on hadoop clusters. The most important thing to do is
install good parallel computing utilities like pdsh and have ssh
equivalency setup, then creating a cluster of machine sis realyl easy
because you get N machines configured the same with full access to each
other. Then you use ssh based scripts to distribute your software. In our
environment we use Cloudera manager to distribute and start and manage our
hadoop cluster, there should be something similar for mpi clusters. The
nice thing about open nebula is that you can distribute your resource
allocation over generic cpu, memory and disk resources and hardware
optimization is easy because you can customize one template and redeploy
the entire cluster.

On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 3:51 AM, Quynh Le <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I intend to setup a ready-to-go MPI Cluster on OpenNebula from a VM image.
> Is it possible? Can each VM know its role (master or slave), as well as
> other VM, to fill in the mpdhost file? I don't know much about context yet.
> Thanks for any explanation.
> Best regards,
> Quynh
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