Yes, I believe it will matter.

On my systems, I modified the Ubuntu packages prior to installing them and I 
specified the UID/GID for the oneadmin user to be 10000/10000 so they would be 
consistent on all machines.

You can manually edit the uid/gid on the host machines to match, then just run 
a 'find' command to change the ownership of files to match.


----- Original Message -----
From: "任英杰" <>
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2012 1:52:22 AM
Subject: [one-users] Doubt about user oneadmin

I'm wondering about the configuration of user oneadmin.
According to  the official guide, oneadmin on hosts should have the same 
uid and gid.
I installed opennubla package from ubuntu's source, the uid/gid are 
different  on front-end and hosts.
Does it matter?
Thanks a lot.
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