Dear Developers,

I want to define a variable "username" in CONTEXT
and replace it by a real user name who does
onetemplate instantiate 

The CONTEXT section of my VM Template looks like the following;
username    = "$USER[NAME]"

I am following the instruction in 
which says at the bottom ;
Using User template variables
$USER[ <user_attribute> ]: Any single value variable in the user template
for example: ssh_key = "$USER[SSH_KEY]"
The user_attribute can be TEMPLATE to include…

So, I thought NAME can be one possible <user_attribute> like TEMPLATE,
but this does not work..
I even tried
username    = "$USER[NAME, USER_ID=$UID]"
username    = "$USER[NAME, ID=$UID]"
username    = "$USER[NAME, USER_ID=2]"
username    = "$USER[NAME, ID=2]"
All fail..

By the way,
username    = "$UID" works and username is assigned my correct user id

What am I doing wrong here?

Thank you.

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