Yea I meant you need the cluster mechanism to be extended to general group
scheduling, basically you can pick and choose what you want to exclude and
include in a group and run the scheduler against that. Currently
(group scheduling)  defines a group as two mutually exclusive clusters with
different hosts and storage.

On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 9:17 AM, Gary S. Cuozzo <>wrote:

> I could do it via a separate cluster, but it would leave my hosts very
> under utilized.  I think I would also have to create and manage additional
> datastores and other resources for the new cluster.  My preference would be
> to be able to configure the scheduler.
> ------------------------------
> *From: *"Shankhadeep Shome" <>
> *To: *"Gary S. Cuozzo" <>
> *Sent: *Wednesday, December 12, 2012 8:46:55 AM
> *Subject: *Re: [one-users] deployment of certain vm's to different hosts
> I think what you want is the extension of the cluster mechanism that
> already exists in opennebula to be extended so that a cluster is
> a scheduling domain, not simply a set of {hosts, networks, storage}
> On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 4:59 PM, Gary S. Cuozzo <>wrote:
>> Oh nice.  So will the "REQUIREMENTS" be able to be based on any attribute
>> of the template?  For example, could I have an attribute called "VM_GROUP"
>> in the template and have a value such as "HTTP_1" in various templates.
>> Then, each vm with VM_GROUP HTTP_1 would get deployed to different hosts?
>> Just trying to make sure I'm interpreting the description correctly.  The
>> example shows things based on vm id's, but I think it would be easier to
>> just be able to make any sort of generic group(s) to base things on.
>> gary
>> ------------------------------
>> *From: *"Jaime Melis" <>
>> *To: *"Gary S. Cuozzo" <>
>> *Cc: *"Users OpenNebula" <>
>> *Sent: *Tuesday, December 11, 2012 4:41:50 PM
>> *Subject: *Re: [one-users] deployment of certain vm's to different hosts
>> Hi,
>> Yes, you guys really hit the spot! take a look at this:
>> Basically, for the next OpenNebula release there will be a default probe
>> with all the running vms, so you can create a REQUIREMENTS directive just
>> like Mark described.
>> cheers,
>> Jaime
>> On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 10:36 PM, Gary S. Cuozzo <>wrote:
>>> Interesting.  You can get a list of guests on a host using "virsh list",
>>> which would simplify your idea.  Hopefully I'll have some time to mess
>>> around with ideas this week.  I just wanted to make sure there was no
>>> feature already in ONE that I didn't know about.
>>> Let me know if you go further with your ideas and I'll do the same.
>>> Cheers,
>>> gary
>>> ------------------------------
>>> *From: *"Mark Wagner" <>
>>> *To: *
>>> *Sent: *Tuesday, December 11, 2012 4:18:29 PM
>>> *Subject: *Re: [one-users] deployment of certain vm's to different hosts
>>> I'm interested in this idea as well.  Without modifying the ONE code
>>> here is how it could be accomplished by extending the IM MAD and using the
>>> "REQUIREMENTS" section of a VM template to exclude a host that is already
>>> running a guest of the same type.
>>> How to go about it is the somewhat kludgey part. The IM MAD scripts are
>>> run on the host; as far as I can tell from the host it is impossible to
>>> easily see the names of the guests running on it. The best idea I could
>>> think of would be to ssh back to the FE and run "onevm list | grep $HOST"
>>> and process that.
>>> Next, how do you group the guests? Assuming the guests have the naming
>>> scheme of <type>NNN you could group them by removing the NNN. Another way
>>> to do it would be to do a onevm show on each guest but that may be too
>>> resource intensive.
>>> Putting this all together, here is the IM MAD script:
>>> #!/bin/sh
>>> VM_HOST=`hostname`
>>> FE=onefe
>>> GUEST_TYPES="`ssh $FE onevm list --list NAME,HOST | grep $VM_HOST | awk
>>> '{ print $1 }' | sed 's/[0-9]*$//g' | sort -u`"
>>> GUEST_TYPES=":`echo $GUEST_TYPES | sed 's/ /:/g'`:"
>>> For example type "ntp" you'd put in the template
>>> REQUIREMENTS = "GUEST_TYPES != \"*:ntp:*\""
>>> (I haven't tested this at all).
>>> On 12/11/2012 10:47 AM, Gary S. Cuozzo wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> We have certain vm's which are related and provide redundancy and/or
>>> failover to each other.  Ideally, we'd like to avoid the situation where
>>> these vm's run on the same host machine.  Is there a way to configure the
>>> scheduler so it would know to rule out a host if another related vm was
>>> already running there?
>>> If there is no feature in ONE already, what I'm thinking is having an
>>> attribute that can be set in the vm template which could be used to group
>>> vm's together.  Then, the scheduler can just check to see if a vm that is
>>> part of the same group(s) is already running and rule that host out if
>>> there is.  It could also optionally override the attribute if it could not
>>> find a 'unique' host to deploy on (for example, multiple hosts are
>>> unavailable and there are not enough resource to deploy to unique hosts).
>>> Please let me know if a feature already exists or if my idea is worth
>>> pursuing.
>>> Cheers,
>>> gary
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>>> Mark Wagner |
>>> System Administrator | Intelius Inc.
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>> Jaime Melis
>> Project Engineer
>> OpenNebula - The Open Source Toolkit for Cloud Computing
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