Le 12/13/12 3:27 PM, Duverne, Cyrille a écrit :
> Dear mailing-list, (these days it's like saying "dear Santa," :) )
> I've set up a ganglia environment in my lab and can see the monitoring
> information for my hosts.
> I've followed the manual about ganglia integration and updated the
> nodes, updated oned.conf, created the cron as follow :
> */1 * * * * oneadmin gmetric -n OPENNEBULA_VMS_INFORMATION -t string
> -v `/var/lib/one/remotes/vmm/kvm/poll --kvm`
> I've updated the probe file to point to my central ganglia server.
> But I can't see anything on Ganglia web.
> I might be missing something on the ganglia server side... but what ?
> Where are the VM information defines for Ganglia to display them ?
Ganglia does not provide graphics for the VMs with opennebula.  VM
information are stored in a variable accessible for each  host  with
name OPENNEBULA_VMS_INFORMATION (base64 encoded).
Then opennebula will trigger ganglia to get the status of the VMs
running on this host.

OpenNebula uses Ganglia to extract the information, and not the contrary

If you want to monitor your host with Ganglia you can use standard
metrics provided by gmetric (cpu,ram,...)


> Thanks in advance for your feedback
> Cheers
> Cyrille
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Olivier Sallou
IRISA / University of Rennes 1
Campus de Beaulieu, 35000 RENNES - FRANCE

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