
I know thet EC2 is supported but I have thought that some implementations of EC2 might be not comptaibile and in OpenNebula only Amazon access interface is supported. From what you wrote I understand that different deployments of OpenNebula
can be integrated trough utilisation of EC2. Is this correct?


Currently the OpenNebula distribution just includes drivers to interact with EC2 clouds, but it would not be difficult to develop a new driver to interact with the deltacloud API. We can even create a new addon [1] for this and I can give you some guidelines on how to develop this driver.

Basically you should create a new VMM_MAD based on the ec2 driver:

The ec2_driver.rb is the library that interacts with the EC2 API and each script (deploy, reboot...) uses this library to send the ec2 commands.

If you have any doubts do not hesitate to ask me.


[1] http://opennebula.org/addons:addons

On 7 November 2013 15:56, Marcin Jarzab <m...@agh.edu.pl <mailto:m...@agh.edu.pl>> wrote:


    I just installed the Deltacloud service and wondering if
    OpenNebula can be integrated with service in such way
    that inside hosts there can be "configured" external cloud
Such configuration is supported by the EC2 driver when using Amazon clouds.

    In the following blog there is elaborated such deployment but how
    this can be achieved?



-- Ph.D. Eng. Marcin Jarzab m...@agh.edu.pl <mailto:m...@agh.edu.pl> http://www.ics.agh.edu.pl/people/mj

    Department of Computer Science
    AGH University of Science and Technology
    Kawiory 21, Building D17, 30-055  Krakow, POLAND
    phone:+48 (12) 328 33 72  <tel:%2B48%20%2812%29%20328%2033%2072>

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Daniel Molina
Project Engineer
OpenNebula - Flexible Enterprise Cloud Made Simple
www.OpenNebula.org <http://www.OpenNebula.org> | dmol...@opennebula.org <mailto:dmol...@opennebula.org> | @OpenNebula

Ph.D. Eng. Marcin Jarzab

Department of Computer Science
AGH University of Science and Technology
Kawiory 21, Building D17, 30-055  Krakow, POLAND
phone: +48 (12) 328 33 72

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