Dear list,

Recently I've been playing with OpenNebula on Ubuntu Saucy (13.10). It
comes with libvirt-bin version 1.1.1 and qemu 1.5. One of the cool
things libvirtd / qemu are able to do now is "block io throttling", or
iotune as libvirt calls it. You can now define min, max, total
KBytes/Sec for read, write and total, as wel as for IOPS/Sec. I would
like to have support for this in OpenNebula vm templates just like there
is for CPU (cputune). It would be nice to able to set a total maximum
IOPS / bandwitch for a specific user/group, just like cpu, mem, images,
#vm's, etc. (and have strict enforcement).

Use cases:

- prevent denial of service of virtual machines consuming too much IOPS
  / bandwith (io starvation, storage link saturation)
- be able to guarantee (minimal) disk IO performance. In combination with "per
  user system datastores (ONE 4.4)" you can choose the right disk type
  to satisfy latency needs. 
What do you think?

Gr. Stefan

P.s. with something like vdc-nebula in place [1], the need to restrict IO
will be much less then in traditional io settings (very cool project


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