
On Fri, Jan 17, 2014 at 9:25 PM, ML mail <mlnos...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am creating a few OS images in qcow2 format of various Linux
> distributions for my OpenNebula 4.4 installation and was wondering what
> image size would you recommend? I see mostly images being between 5 to 10
> GB.
> Another related question: let's say I am happy with my VM deployment and
> want to make it more permanent doing a snapshot and making that snapshot
> persistant or marking the OS image directly persistant but in both cases I
> am stuck with a deployment of an disk which if 5 GB big, is there any way
> to resize it through sunstone? or do I need to decide beforehand during my
> initial image creation (qemu-img) for the right size?
> Regards,
> M.L.

At the moment the images cannot be resized, so you'll have to decide what
size suits your needs. If you are using qcow2 the images will be sparse and
you can over allocate...

Since this has been requested quite a few times lately we'll try to add
image resize features to 4.6.

Carlos Martín, MSc
Project Engineer
OpenNebula - Flexible Enterprise Cloud Made Simple
www.OpenNebula.org <http://www.opennebula.org/> | cmar...@opennebula.org |
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