"Ruben S. Montero" <rsmont...@opennebula.org> writes:

> Hi


> You are right, the values are overriden expect for RAW, which is appended.
> IMHO it is better to keep this behavior and change the comments on that
> file. This way, you can put basic needed RAW attributes for your setup and
> then add specific ones for each guest...

We will go this way for now, but some kind of template inheritance like
in my comment on #2149[1].

Defining the RAW section in my /etc/one/vmm_exec/vmm_exec_kvm.conf
prevent my SPICE VMs from booting since their template define the video
model to “qxl”.

For this specific issue, I just need to define the global RAW video to
“qxl” which is compatible to “vga”[2].


[1]  http://dev.opennebula.org/issues/2149

[2]  vga for libvirt and std for qemu

Daniel Dehennin
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