I'm trying to do this on ubuntu, i did what you said i've created file
names init.sh upload it to Files and named there init.sh too. Next i
applied it to template ($FILE[IMAGE_ID=10]) added ROOT_PASSWORD base 64
encoded and it doesn't work :(

My init.sh:

usermod -p "$ROOT_PASSWORD" root

But it didn't work.

2014-04-02 11:37 GMT+02:00 Jaime Melis <jme...@opennebula.org>:

> Leszek,
> Create a script, call it "init.sh", upload it to the Files & Kernel tab
> (as a Context type). Select it under the Context -> Files section of the VM
> Template.
> Whatever you put inside that init.sh script will get executed.
> The contents of the script depend on the distro you are using, but if
> you're using CentOS 6, for instance, you might want to write something like
> this:
> > #!/bin/bash
> > echo "root:$ROOT_PASSWORD" | passwd
> And then you can specify the custom variable ROOT_PASSWORD in the VM
> Template.
>  Please note that it's recommended to use base64 encoding for this type
> of things, since otherwise it might lead to character problems.
> On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 11:09 AM, Leszek Master <keks...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> How can i push root password to a VM for example using context?
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> Jaime Melis
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