I noticed that OpenNebula don't add this lines:

<host name='node-01' port='6789'/>
                                <host name='node-02' port='6789'/>
                                <host name='node-03' port='6789'/>
                        <auth username='libvirt'>
                                <secret type='ceph' uuid='xxxxxxxxx'/>

 to the /var/lib/one/rbd.attach file. How can i add this automatically to
any new rbd datablock i want to add? It's annooying that i need to put it
in this file manually. There must be someway.

Please help.

2014-04-08 20:16 GMT+02:00 Leszek Master <keks...@gmail.com>:

> Hi. I want to create a Datablock in my ceph and attach it to my VM. I
> created 100 GB datablock and when i try to attach it to my VM i've got
> error:
> error: operation failed: open disk image file failed
> But i can map it onto my hypervisor host from ceph storage. How can i
> attack this datablock to my VM's ?
> Please help.
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