Quoting Gareth Bult (gar...@linux.co.uk):
> Hi,
> I'm looking to share a single IP address between two VM's - can anyone
> point me in the right direction?  (I'm using the 'clean-traffic'
> network filter ...)
> My first idea was to add a second interface to each VM, with a shared
> IP, but on reflection because IP's are linked to MAC's, this was never
> going to work.

Why not? I've got several VM's with extra (V)IP's. An interface
mac-address is normally "linked" to the ip it gets assigned, not the
other way around. 

> Is there a way of doing this, or is the clean traffic filter
> incompatible with shared IP's ...

clean traffic filter does prevent Mac-spoofing, but you're allowed to add
ip aliases.

Maybe I don't understand what you're trying to achieve.

Gr. Stefan

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