Quoting Hüning, Christian (christian.huen...@haw-hamburg.de):
> Hi folks,
> I figured it out myself. It had to do with the automatically generated VLAN
> ids from OpenvSwitch and the VMs not being on the same physical host. As it
> seems my Cisco router would not allow these high(?) VLAN IDs. I tried
> setting the VLAN Id to “5” manually and it worked! 
> A quick view into Ciscos manual showed that in “normal VLAN” mode VLAN Ids
> are only allowed to range between 1 and 1002. One can of course activate
> “Extended VLAN “ mode and then you may provide VLAN IDs between 1006 and
> 4094. Is there a possibility to set a range for the automatically generated
> vlan ids?

There's at least the possibility to configure with which vlan to start, config
file located in "../one/remotes/vnm/OpenNebulaNetwork.conf"

# General Options

# Configure the initial VLAN ID tag (corresponds to vnet ID = 0)
:start_vlan: 2

I just configure the VLAN_ID's in the vnet template (VLAN = "YES",
VLAN_ID = "VID") so you have control over which VLAN gets used.

Gr. Stefan

p.s. Don't forget to run "onehost sync --force" to update host configs

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