Hi All,  

After search some articles and mailing list and try my best, my ceph
datastore can't monitor the capacity.  

1) How can opennebula detect the size of ceph? 
   - Opennebula is a ceph-mon? 
      If yes, how can oneadmin user can run the rados command to show
the capacity, only root can do that? It must be "sudo rados", right?  

   - The opennebula accesses to ceph-mon(font-end) with password-less
to run "ssh ho-srv-ceph-02 rados df | grep Total" 
      If yes, i need an user oneadmin in ceph-mon and ability to run
rados df without sudo, so how? only root can run rados in this case. 

2) Was any step i missed ? 

Some description for my system:  
- Deploy:        ho-srv-ceph-01  
- MON,OSD:   ho-srv-ceph-02,ho-srv-ceph-03,ho-srv-ceph-04 
- Sudo:           "ceph ALL = (root) NOPASSWD:ALL" for all 

For testing ceph datastore only, i use one standalone server with
oneadmin user 
Opennebula:   cloudlab-02 
Prepare for ceph:  
- password-less from ceph-deploy 
- Sudo:            "ceph ALL = (root) NOPASSWD:ALL" for all 
- in ceph-deploy 
[root@ho-srv-ceph-01 ~]#ceph-deploy install cloudlab-02 

I use use ceph to access from ceph to opennebula  and user oneadmin to
access from opennebula to ceph 

Following the official document:  
- in ceph monitor 
[root@ho-srv-ceph-02 ~]# ceph osd pool create one 64 

- in opennebula front-end 
[oneadmin@cloudlab-02 ~]$ cat ceph.one  
NAME      = ceph 
DS_MAD    = ceph 
TM_MAD    = ceph 

POOL_NAME = one 

BRIDGE_LIST = ho-srv-ceph-02 
[oneadmin@cloudlab-02 ~]$ vi ceph.one  
[oneadmin@cloudlab-02 ~]$ onedatastore create ceph 
ceph1.one  ceph2.one  ceph.one    
[oneadmin@cloudlab-02 ~]$ onedatastore create ceph.one  
ID: 105 

Thank you.  


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