So, the question. How can I allow members of a group to RUN a persistent vm?

Current Setup

OpenNebula 4.10.1

SO I have a VM, that :
- is running in an SSH system datastore.
- has an image marked as persistent
- set to group infAdmins

Current permissions
- image            Use : NO    Manage : YES    Admin : YES
- network        Use : YES    Manage : YES    Admin : YES
- template      Use : YES    Manage : YES    Admin : YES
- vm                 Use : YES    Manage : YES    Admin : YES

I find that admins in the group can not run this VM. I checked the vm permissions, and yes, group run permission was unchecked. However, I am unable to allow Group Run privilege, as "A persistent image cannot be made public".

So I am a bit stuck. I need the vm to be persistent (in case of hardware failure) but I need the ssh local system datastore for performance, and I really need a small group other than me to be able to run up VMs, either pre-created by me, or from scratch. I also create VMs for project teams, and need them to be able to run up their own VMs (at the group level).

Apologies if I am trying to do something stupid (or missing something obvious).

Thanks and seasons greetings

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