
as Joaquin mentioned the configuration files were replaced, so you simply
need to restore them (merge the conf changes you did on the *.rpmsave files
into the main files).

However the files under /var/lib/one/.one should not be replaced
automatically, I believe there was something in your manual procedure that
removed those files.

Anyways, to recover the files under /var/lib/one/.one you have to do as
follows, as oneadmin:

echo serveradmin:<newpass> > /var/lib/one/.one/sunstone_auth
echo serveradmin:<newpass> > /var/lib/one/.one/occi_auth
echo serveradmin:<newpass> > /var/lib/one/.one/ec2_auth
echo serveradmin:<newpass> > /var/lib/one/.one/onegate_auth
echo serveradmin:<newpass> > /var/lib/one/.one/oneflow_auth

oneuser passwd --sha1 serveradmin <newpass>


On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 12:01 PM, kiran ranjane <kiran.ranj...@gmail.com>

> Hi Joaqui,
> I fixed it but in a different way, I did not had the .one folder backup
> however I had another setup of opennebula and I copied sunstone_auth from
> that setup to the non-working setup then retrived the password from mysql
> (user_pool table) (Serveradmin user) from working setup and inserted it
> into the non working setup using command "oneuser passwd serveradmin
> encrypted-password-from-mysql", Restarted one and sunstone and then I was
> able to login.
> Serveradmin password is generated by openebula, If I could have known the
> password then it would be much easier as I coud have encodeded the password
> using "oneuser encode username password" and saved it in sunstone_auth.
> Is there any other procedure if I do not have .one folder backup?
> Regards
> Kiran Ranjane
> On Sat, Jan 17, 2015 at 5:41 PM, Joaquin Villanueva <jvillanu...@acb.es>
> wrote:
>>  Hi  Kiran,
>> I'm missed the important files for auth failing: restore the
>> /var/lib/one/.one auth files (one_auth, one_key,sunstone_auth, etc) from
>> your backup. Seems these files were also replaced by the package updates.
>> Regards,
>> Joaquin Villanueva
>> El 17/01/15 a las 04:52, kiran ranjane escribió:
>>    Hi,
>>  I upgraded opennebula from 4.10.1 to 4.10.2 using ubuntu repo and after
>> upgrade I am unable to login to any users.
>>  tried running onedb fsck and getting error - You need to specify the
>> SQLite or MySQL connection options.
>>  Attached logs to this mail
>>  Any idea how do I fix this issue.
>>  Regards
>>  Kiran Ranjane
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