
same problem

jun 21 13:11:03 openshift-master01 atomic-openshift-master-api[59618]: F0621 
13:11:03.155246   59618 auth.go:141] error #0: dial tcp XXXX:2379: connection 
refused ( the one i rebooted )
jun 21 13:11:03 openshift-master01 atomic-openshift-master-api[59618]: error 
#1: client: etcd member https://YYYY:2379 has no leader

i rebooted the etcd server and my master is not able to use other one

still able to connect from both masters using telnet to the etcd port ..

any clue? this is weird.

> El 14 jun 2016, a las 9:28, Julio Saura <jsa...@hiberus.com> escribió:
> hello
> yes is correct .. it was the first thing i checked ..
> first master
> etcdClientInfo:
> ca: master.etcd-ca.crt
> certFile: master.etcd-client.crt
> keyFile: master.etcd-client.key
> urls:
>   - https://openshift-balancer01:2379
>   - https://openshift-balancer02:2379
> second master
> etcdClientInfo:
> ca: master.etcd-ca.crt
> certFile: master.etcd-client.crt
> keyFile: master.etcd-client.key
> urls:
>   - https://openshift-balancer01:2379
>   - https://openshift-balancer02:2379
> dns names resolve in both masters
> Best regards and thanks!
>> El 13 jun 2016, a las 18:45, Scott Dodson <sdod...@redhat.com> escribió:
>> Can you verify the connection information etcdClientInfo section in
>> /etc/origin/master/master-config.yaml is correct?
>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 11:56 AM, Julio Saura <jsa...@hiberus.com> wrote:
>>> hello
>>> yes.. i have a external balancer in front of my masters for HA as doc says.
>>> i don’t have any balancer in front of my etcd servers for masters 
>>> connection, it’s not necessary right? masters will try all etcd availables 
>>> it one is down right?
>>> i don’t know why but none of my masters were able to connect to the second 
>>> etcd instance, but using telnet from their shell worked .. so it was not a 
>>> net o fw issue..
>>> best regards.
>>>> El 13 jun 2016, a las 17:53, Clayton Coleman <ccole...@redhat.com> 
>>>> escribió:
>>>> I have not seen that particular issue.  Do you have a load balancer in
>>>> between your masters and etcd?
>>>> On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 5:55 AM, Julio Saura <jsa...@hiberus.com> wrote:
>>>>> hello
>>>>> i have an origin 3.1 installation working cool so far
>>>>> today one of my etcd nodes ( 1 of 2 ) crashed and i started having 
>>>>> problems..
>>>>> i noticed on one of my master nodes that it was not able to connect to 
>>>>> second etcd server and that the etcd server was not able to promote as 
>>>>> leader..
>>>>> un 10 11:09:55 openshift-balancer02 etcd[47218]: 12c8a31c8fcae0d4 is 
>>>>> starting a new election at term 10048
>>>>> jun 10 11:09:55 openshift-balancer02 etcd[47218]: 12c8a31c8fcae0d4 became 
>>>>> candidate at term 10049
>>>>> jun 10 11:09:55 openshift-balancer02 etcd[47218]: 12c8a31c8fcae0d4 
>>>>> received vote from 12c8a31c8fcae0d4 at term 10049
>>>>> jun 10 11:09:55 openshift-balancer02 etcd[47218]: 12c8a31c8fcae0d4 
>>>>> [logterm: 8, index: 4600461] sent vote request to bf80ee3a26e8772c at 
>>>>> term 10049
>>>>> jun 10 11:09:56 openshift-balancer02 etcd[47218]: got unexpected response 
>>>>> error (etcdserver: request timed out)
>>>>> my masters logged that they were not able to connect to the etcd
>>>>> er.go:218] unexpected ListAndWatch error: pkg/storage/cacher.go:161: 
>>>>> Failed to list *extensions.Job: error #0: dial tcp X.X.X.X:2379: 
>>>>> connection refused
>>>>> so i tried a simple test, just telnet from masters to the etcd node port 
>>>>> ..
>>>>> [root@openshift-master01 log]# telnet X.X.X.X 2379
>>>>> Trying X.X.X.X...
>>>>> Connected to X.X.X.X.
>>>>> Escape character is '^]’
>>>>> so i was able to connect from masters.
>>>>> i was not able to recover my oc masters until the first etcd node 
>>>>> rebooted .. so it seems my etcd “cluster” is not working without the 
>>>>> first node ..
>>>>> any clue?
>>>>> thanks
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