
While going through the documentation for using *jenkins* image, I found
that we can use the updated image of jenkins by:


   Use Docker layering.

   Use the image as a Source-To-Image builder

Now i found docker layering to be ideal in my case since I have created a
new project and made many configurations to make it work.

I ran the below command for getting the new image

*# docker commit -m "my message" <containerid> <new image name:tag>*

I pushed it to my local registry and used it to create a new application in

It did get deployed, but the jenkins image doesn't contain any of my

comparing the history of both the original image and the modified image, it
looks like it did add a new layer:

*IMAGE                  CREATED             CREATED
BY                                                  SIZE
COMMENTe99517b97a3e        21 hours ago
/usr/libexec/s2i/run                                         1.886
MB            jenkins 3rd attemptc014669e27a0        11 days ago
/bin/sh -c #(nop) LABEL io.openshift.builder-   0 B                 *

So finally coming to my question, am I missing something while creating a
new docker layer for my jenkins image?

Or should i just use Source to image builder for my changes?

Thanks & Regards,

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