
I'm trying to run Jboss cluster using the eap64-basic-s2i v1.3.2 template
on Origin 1.3.

The application built and deployed fined. The second one started fine but I
can't tell if it joined the existing cluster. I was expecting to see an
output along the lines of "number of members in the cluster: 2" which I
have seen in the past with Jboss.

There is a warning at the begining of the startup logs:

"WARNING: Service account unable to test permissions to view pods in
kubernetes (HTTP 000). Clustering will be unavailable. Please refer to the
documentation for configuration."

But looking at the ha.sh launch script this is just
the check_view_pods_permission function using curl without --no-proxy. As
far as I can tell this doesn't affect anything.

So what do I need to look for to confirm that the second instance joined
the cluster correctly? I am concerned that the proxy might be getting in
the way somewhere else.


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