The only "released" version of Openshift that includes Kubernetes 1.3.6 is
v1.4.0.-alpha1. I don't want to upgrade to an alpha1 release.

Can I request a patch of Openshift Origin to include Kubernetes 1.3.6 or
higher? ( the Kubernetes 1.3 branch is up to 1.3.10).

On 19 November 2016 at 07:26, Alex Wauck <> wrote:

> OpenShift is a distribution of Kubernetes, so I don't think you can
> upgrade Kubernetes without upgrading OpenShift.
> On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 1:52 PM, Lionel Orellana <>
> wrote:
>> So the fix is on Kubernetes 1.3.6. The upgrade guide you mention is for
>> Openshift as a whole unless I'm missing something.
>> On Sat., 19 Nov. 2016 at 12:29 am, Mark Turansky <>
>> wrote:
>>> Good find on that bug. Our upgrade guide can help you get started on a
>>> fix.
>>> config/upgrading/index.html
>>> Mark
>>> On Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 3:13 AM, Lionel Orellana <>
>>> wrote:
>>> This sounds very very familiar:
>>> ubernetes/kubernetes/issues/30637
>>> Particularly comment:
>>> bernetes/kubernetes/issues/30637#issuecomment-243276076
>>> That is a nasty bug. How can I upgrade Kubernetes in my cluster?
>>> My current versions are
>>> -bash-4.2$ oc version
>>> oc v1.3.0
>>> kubernetes v1.3.0+52492b4
>>> features: Basic-Auth GSSAPI Kerberos SPNEGO
>>> Server
>>> openshift v1.3.0
>>> kubernetes v1.3.0+52492b4
>>> On 18 November 2016 at 18:18, Lionel Orellana <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Files in other dirs in the same NFS server don't get deleted (e.g.
>>> <server name>/poc_runtime/test/)
>>> There is something in my Openshift node deleting files in <server
>>> name>/poc_runtime/evs as soon as I put them there!
>>> On 18 November 2016 at 18:04, Lionel Orellana <>
>>> wrote:
>>> In fact, whatever is deleting my files is still doing it:
>>> [root@poc-docker03 evs]# touch x
>>> [root@poc-docker03 evs]# ls
>>> [root@poc-docker03 evs]#
>>> evs is a path on an NFS volume that I have added directly to some
>>> deployment configs
>>>  -
>>>           name: evs
>>>           nfs:
>>>             server: <server name>
>>>             path: /poc_runtime/evs
>>> If I stop the origin-service on one particular node the file doesn't
>>> disappear.
>>> [root@poc-docker03 evs]# touch x
>>> [root@poc-docker03 evs]# ls
>>> x
>>> [root@poc-docker03 evs]#
>>> When I restart the origin-node service I see a lot of errors like this
>>>  Failed cleaning pods: [remove /var/lib/origin/openshift.loca
>>> l.volumes/pods/1b7e3a16-ab08-11e6-8618-005056915814/volumes/
>>> device or resource bus
>>>  Failed to remove orphaned pod xxxxx dir; err: remove
>>> /var/lib/origin/openshift.local.volumes/pods/xxxx/volumes/
>>> ~nfs/*evs*: device or resource bus
>>> Despite the fact that the error says that it couldn't remove it, what
>>> exactly is it trying to do here? Is it possible that this process
>>> previously deleted the data in the evs folder?
>>> On 18 November 2016 at 16:45, Lionel Orellana <>
>>> wrote:
>>> What about NFS volumes added directly in build configs.
>>> volumes:
>>>         -
>>>           name: jenkins-volume-1
>>>           nfs:
>>>             server: <server name>
>>>             path: /poc_runtime/jenkins/home
>>> We just restarted all the servers hosting my openshift cluster and the
>>> all data in the path above disappeared. Simply by restarting the host VM!
>>> On 18 November 2016 at 16:19, Lionel Orellana <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Thanks Mark
>>> On 18 November 2016 at 15:09, Mark Turansky <> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 10:41 PM, Lionel Orellana <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Couple of questions regarding Persistent Volumes, in particular NFS
>>> ones.
>>> 1) If I have a PV configured with the Retain policy it is not clear to
>>> me how this PV can be reused after the bound PVC is deleted. Deleting the
>>> PVC makes the PV status "Released". How do I make it "Available" again
>>> without losing the data?
>>> You can keep the PVC around longer if you intend to reuse it between
>>> pods. There is no way for a PV to go from Released to Available again in
>>> your scenario. You would have to delete and recreate the PV. It's a pointer
>>> to real storage (the NFS share), so you're just recreating the pointer. The
>>> data in the NFS volume itself is untouched.
>>> 2) Is there anything (e.g. all nodes crashing due to some underlying
>>> infrastructure failure) that would cause the data in a "Retain" volume to
>>> be wiped out? We had a problem with all our vmware servers  (where I host
>>> my openshift POC)  and all my NFS mounted volumes were wiped out. The
>>> storage guys assure me that nothing at their end caused that and it must
>>> have been a running process that did it.
>>> "Retain" is just a flag to the recycling process to leave that PV alone
>>> when it's Released. The PV's retention policy wouldn't cause everything to
>>> be deleted. NFS volumes on the node are no different than if you called
>>> "mount" yourself. There is nothing inherent in OpenShift itself that is
>>> running in that share that would wipe out data.
>>> Thanks
>>> Lionel.
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> Alex Wauck // DevOps Engineer
> *E X O S I T E*
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> Making Machines More Human.
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