On 12/15/2016 02:22 PM, Den Cowboy wrote:

Thanks for your reply. It was some messy question.

My wildcard is *.apps.env.place and it works (for registry, metrics, etc.)

So first of all I'll show you my playbook:



I run my playbook:

# ansible-playbook ~/openshift-ansible/playbooks/byo/config.yml

After the install I'm checking as cluster-admin.

Firstly I check master-config.yaml:

--> loggingPublicURL: https://kibana-logging.apps.env.place <https://kibana-logging.apps.env.place>

What version of openshift are you using?
What version of openshift-ansible are you using?

Than I check my logging project itself:

There are 2 routes inside the project. one for logging-kibana and one for logging-kibana-ops (I don't use this).
So there is one route which needs to be used:

Name service: logging-kibana <https://master.dbm.bluepond:8443/console/project/logging/browse/routes/logging-kibana>

Name route: https://logging-kibana-logging.apps.env.place
Routes to: logging-kibana

When I click on the route and accept the certificate:

{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed."}

What is wrong in my configuration? Do I need to set the openshift_hosted_logging_hostname?

Not sure.  You could try it.

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*Verzonden:* donderdag 15 december 2016 21:06:37
*Aan:* users@lists.openshift.redhat.com
*Onderwerp:* Re: what is meaning of openshift_hosted_logging_hostname
On 12/15/2016 01:59 PM, Den Cowboy wrote:
> Hi, I saw this option in the ansible playbook example:
> https://github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible/blob/master/inventory/byo/hosts.ose.example
> 1) What is the meaning of this viarable:
> openshift_hosted_logging_hostname?

This is the external hostname with which you will access kibana. This
hostname should either have a DNS entry for the external IP address of
the OpenShift master node, or you can hack it with /etc/hosts, or
possibly xip.io.

> 2) I tried to deploy the logging project with ansible. All the pods
> seems to deploy fine but I see things like:
> logging-kibana has containers without health checks, which ensure your
> application is running correctly.

Yeah, we need to add health checks, but those errors/warnings are benign.

> + my route to kibana is:
> https://logging-kibana-logging.apps.xx.xx
> <https://logging-kibana-logging.apps.>

What route?

> + gives: invalid request: missed required parameter... (don't know why
> it's putting logging- before the kibana).

What gives?  What command are you using?

> This are my variables in the playbook.
> openshift_hosted_logging_deploy=true
> openshift_master_logging_public_url=https://kibana-logging.apps.xx.xx
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