Hi Dan,

As you learned, lifecycle hooks were not made to change anything inside a
container image. Remember that container images are, by design, immutable.
It looks you want to build a custom container image that includes your
customizations to the wildfly configs plus your application. There are two
ways to accomplish that with OpenShift:

1. Create a Dockerfile that uses the standard wildfly container image as
the parent, and adds your customization.

2. Use the OpenShift source-to-image (s2i) process to add configurations
and your application. See the OpenShift docs about the wildfly s2i builder
image for details, this is easier than using a Dockerfile. The standard s2i
processes builds the application from sources, but it also supports feeding
an application war/ear.

[]s, Fernando Lozano

On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 9:43 AM, Dan Pungă <dan.pu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello all!
> Trying to build an OShift configuration for running a Java app with a
> Wildfly server.
> I've setup this with ChainBuilds where the app's artifacts are combined
> with a runtime image of Wildfly.
> For this particular app, however, I need to do some configuration on the
> Wildfly environment, so that the app is properly deployed and works.
> - update a server module (grabbing the contents from the web and copying
> them in the right location inside Wildfly)
> - add system properties and some other configuration to Wildfly's
> standalone.xml configuration file
> - create some directory structure
> I've tried to run all this with the Recreate deployment starategy and as a
> mid-hook procedure (so the previous deployment pod is scaled down), but all
> these changes aren't reflected in the actual(new) deployment pod.
> Taking a closer look at the docs, I've found this line "Pod-based
> lifecycle hooks execute hook code in a new pod derived from the template in
> a deployment configuration."
> So whatever I'm doing in my hook, is actually done in a different pod, the
> hook pod, and not in the actual deployment pod. Did I understand this
> correctly?
> If so, how does the injection work here? Does it have to do with the fact
> that the deployment *has to have* persistent volumes? So the hooks
> actually do changes inside a volume that will be mounted with the
> deployment pod too...
> Thank you!
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