A quick google found this:


It looks like the approach would work for you too. But it’s worth
mentioning that he’s doing the mount from within the container, so he needs
the pod to start as a privileged pod. You can do that in open shift but
running privileged pods does have security implications, so it depends if
you trust your legacy app enough to run it this way.
On Thu, 29 Mar 2018 at 1:59 am, Jamie Jackson <jamieja...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I'm in the process of containerizing my stack. One of the pieces of the
> legacy stack accesses a remote file system over SSHFS (autofs manages the
> access). What would be the best way to handle this kind of requirement on
> OpenShift?
> FYI, I'm currently using straight docker for the stack (docker-compose,
> but no orchestration), but the end goal is probably to run on OpenShift, so
> I'm trying to approach things in a way that will be most transferable to
> OpenShift.
> (Note, this conversation started on Google Groups:
> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/openshift/9hjDE2INe5o/vqPoQq-6AwAJ )
> Thanks,
> Jamie
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