Upgrading from origin 3.7.1 to 3.7.2 fixes the problem.


On 20/04/18 22:46, Seth Jennings wrote:
Associated bz

On Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 4:45 PM, Seth Jennings < <>> wrote:

    Pretty sure this was fixed in this PR that went into 3.9.

    On Fri, Apr 20, 2018 at 12:49 PM, Tim Dudgeon
    < <>> wrote:

        I believe I'm seeing a problem with using GlusterFS volumes
        when you terminate a pod that is using a gluster backed PVC.
        This is with Origin 3.7.1. I did this:

        1. create new project
        2. deployed a pod
        3. added a volume to the pod usingĀ  a gluster backed PVC.
        4. rsh to the pod and check the volume can be written to
        5. delete the project

        After stage 3 the volume was working OK in the pod and the
        volume was reported by hekati.

        After stage 5 the PVC was no longer present, glusterfs volume
        was no longer see by hekati (so far so good) but the pod was
        stuck in the 'Terminating' state and the project did not get
        deleted. It looks like the container that was running in the
        pod had been deleted. Even after one hour it was still stuck
        in the terminating state.

        Looking deeper it looks like the mount on the host on which
        the pod was running was still present. e.g. this was still
        found in /etc/mtab:
        0 0

        Manually unmounting this mount resulted in the pod finally
        terminating and (after a short delay) the project being deleted.

        Looks like the cleanup processes are not quite correct?


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