Hello all!

I'm experiencing a problem when trying to pull an image from Openshift's container registry.
I've recently installed OpenshiftOrigin 3.9 with docker-registry deployed.

I'm using 2 projects, one where "generic" images are built and one for "applications". When running a build in the "application" project that is based on an image from the "generic" project, the build process fails at times with errors such:

Pulling image docker-registry.default.svc:5000/generic/ot-builder-maven-is@sha256:ff3a7e558a44adc6212bd86dc3c0799537afd47f05be5678b0b986f7c7e3398c ... Checking for Docker config file for PULL_DOCKERCFG_PATH in path /var/run/secrets/openshift.io/pull
Using Docker config file /var/run/secrets/openshift.io/pull/.dockercfg
Step 1/11 : FROM docker-registry.default.svc:5000/generic/ot-builder-maven-is@sha256:ff3a7e558a44adc6212bd86dc3c0799537afd47f05be5678b0b986f7c7e3398c Trying to pull repository docker-registry.default.svc:5000/generic/ot-builder-maven-is ...
error: build error: unauthorized: authentication required

The imagestream is there and the sha is the right one. This seems to happen at random and it goes away if I pause between build tries....so random. I haven't done some through tests to see if it's the same behaviour for source imageStreams inside the same project...
Any idea what to try?

Not sure if this is related, but I was trying to login to the registry and trying to this from outside the cluster, I get Error response from daemon: Get https://docker-registry-default......:5000/v2/: net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers) This looks like timeout config/networking issues and I wonder if it's what causing the initial problem(even though the registry storage node, the registry pod and the application node where the build is executed are inside the same subnet).

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