
Sorry about the delayed update. I just reverted to a clean snapshot of my VMs 
and ran a fresh cluster deployment, and the issue isn’t present anymore. Seems 
it was related to a failure I had faced quite early on in the deployment phase.


> On Oct 1, 2018, at 17:51, Daniel Comnea <comnea.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I suggest you open a github issue too.
> On Mon, Oct 1, 2018 at 10:05 AM Gaurav Ojha <gauravo...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:gauravo...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Basically facing two different issues.
> OpenShift Origin 3.10 keeps switching between the custom named certificate 
> deployed and the internal certificate being used. The web console randomly 
> reports Server Connection Interrupted, and then switches to the internal 
> certificate, but a fresh loading of the page serves the custom certificate.
> Even though the publicMasterURL is configured, the browser still redirects to 
> the masterURL
> oc v3.10.0+0c4577e-1
> kubernetes v1.10.0+b81c8f8
> features: Basic-Auth GSSAPI Kerberos SPNEGO
> Server https://lb.okd.cloud.rnoc.gatech.edu:8443 
> <https://lb.okd.cloud.rnoc.gatech.edu:8443/>
> openshift v3.10.0+fd501dd-48
> kubernetes v1.10.0+b81c8f8
> Steps To Reproduce
> Configure a publicMasterURL and a masterURL. In my case they are 
> publicMasterURL=okd-cluster.cloud.mydomain.com 
> <http://okd-cluster.cloud.mydomain.com/> and masterURL=lb.cloud.mydomain.com 
> <http://lb.cloud.mydomain.com/>. Note that here lb refers to the load 
> balancer of my multi-master cluster.
> Deploy the certificates generated when installing through ansible. This works 
> fine, I can see in my master-config.yml the correct values. The value for 
> publicMasterURL points to okd-cluster.cloud.mydomain.com:8443 
> <http://okd-cluster.cloud.mydomain.com:8443/> and masterURL to 
> lb.cloud.mydomain.com:8443 <http://lb.cloud.mydomain.com:8443/>. In the 
> servingInfo, the correct certificates are pointed to. The generated 
> certificate has a common name of lb.cloud.mydomain.com 
> <http://lb.cloud.mydomain.com/> and an alternative name of 
> okd-cluster.cloud.mydomain.com <http://okd-cluster.cloud.mydomain.com/>.
> Access the web console. The certificate served is valid.
> Here, okd-cluster.cloud.mydomain.com <http://okd-cluster.cloud.mydomain.com/> 
> is a CNAME to lb.cloud.mydomain.com <http://lb.cloud.mydomain.com/>
> Current Result
> Even though I enter okd-cluster.cloud.mydomain.com:8443 
> <http://okd-cluster.cloud.mydomain.com:8443/>, the browser redirects to 
> lb.cloud.mydomain.com:8443 <http://lb.cloud.mydomain.com:8443/>. I have 
> checked and nowhere does the publicMasterURL points to lb.cloud.mydomain.com 
> <http://lb.cloud.mydomain.com/>
> When logged in, the console randomly throws an error saying Server Connection 
> Interrupted, and at times, refreshes and now reverts to the internal 
> certificate and serves it. This goes away if I close the browser and reload 
> the page. The correct certificate is again served, but again randomly reverts 
> to the internal certificate.
> My expectation is that once deployed, accessing 
> okd-cluster.cloud.mydomain.com <http://okd-cluster.cloud.mydomain.com/> 
> should always use that address, and the certificate should be served 
> correctly always.
> Is it because comman name is same as the masterURL and the alternative name 
> holds the same value as the publicMasterURL ? I am not sure if this is the 
> case, but it would be great to get some retrospective on this problem I am 
> seeing.
> Regards
> Gaurav
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