We've hit a problem with a HTTPS route that used to work fine has now stopped working. Instead of the application we're are seeing the 'Application is not available' page from the router.

The route is using 'reencrypt' termination type to hit the service on port 8443. The service itself and its pod is running OK as indicated by being able to curl it from inside the router pod using:

curl -kL https://secure-sso.openrisknet-infra.svc:8443/auth

(the -k is needed).

An equivalent HTTP route that hits the HTTP service on port 8080 is working fine.

The only thing I can think of that might have caused this is redeploying the master certificates using the 'redeploy-certificates.yml' playbook, but I can't see how that would cause this.
This is all with Origin 3.7.

Any thoughts on what might be wrong here?

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