On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 5:24 PM, Gaurav Ojha <gauravo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> So I deployed Jenkins on OpenShift via the catalog, and installed the
> Email plugin to send out emails via my smtp server. I have all the details
> correct, but it seems my server expects only SMTPS. I found this link here,
> which mentions the exact error I am seeing
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20188456/how-to-
> change-the-security-type-from-ssl-to-tls-in-jenkins
> So it seems that if I can enable TLS, I can solve this problem. But I
> can’t think of a suitable way to enable this setting (apart from probably
> mounting the exact Jenkins config in /etc/default/jenkins). Also, I am
> unable to modify the file with the terminal disallowing access.
> Has anyone enabled TLS in past who could give me pointers to look at? Or
> if it would be better to just use a docker image instead of the catalog for
> this purpose.

Based on my reading of that link, you need to set
"-Dmail.smtp.starttls.enable=true" as an arg to jenkins.  Assuming that's
true, you can do that by setting/adding an env var on your jenkins


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