Usually, this should always work:

oc delete <pod> --force=true --grace-period=0

On Mon, Nov 26, 2018 at 1:26 PM Tim Dudgeon <> wrote:

> Thanks.
> Actually I finally managed to delete it. I used the web console to delete
> the pod (choosing the delete immediately option).
> Yes, I know it doesn't make much sense!
> On 26/11/2018 17:35, lmi wrote:
> Hi
> One trick that have worked for us is to patch the pod - setting its list
> of finalizers to nothing:
> oc patch pod <podname> -n <namespace> -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":null}}'
> Best regards
> Lars Milland
> Tim Dudgeon wrote the 2018-11-26 16:14:
> I've got a pod that just fails to terminate.
> `oc delete --force` does not work.
> Killing the container on the node where it was running doesn't work (and the 
> container is not running on that node after this).
> Restarting the origin-node service on the node, and the origin-master-api and 
> origin-master-controllers service on the master does not work.
> Nothing seems to work. That damn pod seem to be immortal! It just hangs 
> around saying it is in `Terminating` status forever.
> How can I kill it!
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